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Exciting new designs!!

When some people think of textiles they think of knitting and the elderly and how unfashionable of a hobby it is. But when I walked into Plymouth College of Arts Printed Textile Design & Surface Pattern Degree show that was the last thing you would think of. An explosion of colour and energy hit me from throughout the room full of fresh and exuberant designs. These degree students are the next designers of our generation and most probably will be our next trend forecasters. A variety of styles cover the room from cycle wear to bedlinen and interior decorations. As someone who is drawn to colour I particularly loved the vibrant works of Winona Flay. Luminous yellows brighten the deep navy blue of the sofa with painterly marks circling the delicate red centre. Something that I can imagine myself lounging on enjoying a chilled mojito watching the sunset over a Cornish beach. It certainly brings joy and light into our lives especially in those dark ...